November 16

Post 3

Hello again, people.

This is a bit overdue, again, but this post will be for weeks 5 and 6 of the student blogging challenge.

Week 5: Music!

Now here is a little problem.

I don’t know music. Like, at all. The only thing I listen to is Lofi Hip Hop, which is calming instrumental hip hop music pretty much. so instead of the original prompts that the site had for week 5, I have come up with a new one! Comment your favorite song, artist, and genre.  Because I guess, if I had to pick one it would be Skillet, a Rock band, because if I’m not listening to chill beats, I’m listening to stuff like that, and my favorite song would have to be “Where no one goes” by John Powell from the movies How to Train Your Dragon. I love those movies.

Week 6: Emojis!

Yay! Emoji story prompt is an option! Well, I actually just now, (as I was writing this) figured out how to do emoji’s on a computer, so yay!!

Here is my story prompt for you in emoji’s:


Make of it what you will. Comment your idea’s on what it might be, and how you perceive it!


My computer is deciding to be dumb, and I know nothing about technology and for some reason it won’t let me put in a meme in this post. So, screw you computer. But anyways, have a good day my guys, girls, and nonbinary squirrels, cya!

November 2

Post 2

This is a bit late, but the beginning of this post will be for the second week of the Student Blogging Challenge.



Above are the rules I would like people to follow when commenting on my posts! It would make things a lot easier to read and reply when things are done like this. Thank you!

Also, I would like to shoutout to someone’s blog: Lexi’s!

Thanks for commenting on my first post, I really appreciate it! Check out her blog!

And back to your regular scheduled programming. 


For those of you who have no clue what this is, and think I was just typing random things on my keyboard, (Which is what it felt like I was doing), NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month! This is a challenge to where you are trying to write a 50,000-word manuscript, or novel, all in one month.

I am going to be participating in this, and hopefully, I don’t bash my head into a wall in frustration of a writer’s block. :)

But, I have done some research and here are a few things I have learned about this month, and how to survive it!


One word at a time. Don’t look a the overall goal of the month.  Focus on small goals for each day.

Above is the calendar I am going to be following, the small numbers at the bottom of each day are the word count that you should get to.


Have a writing space. Don’t move from one part of the house to the next part of the house, or to another building completely. That’s too much work. You also need to keep your area that you are working in only for your novel so you don’t get anything confused with something else.


Forget editing. Throw it to the dogs. Well, I mean, as long as you can get it back from the dogs when you have finished. Edit when you are done and have passed the 50,000 words for your novel. Editing will only distract you from what’s important: the story.


Give yourself a treat. It might help to know that if you finish your daily writing word goal each day you’ll get a peice of candy or something you enjoy.


Join the community. Or at least, writing community. They can help you through the month, give you tips, and maybe even restore your sanity after a couple days in NaNoWriMo.


Have fun. That’s an order. 

Well, that’s all I have for this post. Comment any ideas you have to survive NaNoWriMo, and hopefully, the ones I found will help! Have a good day my guys, girls, and nonbinary squirrels, cya!

October 12

Post 1

Hello again everyone!

So, if you did not see the giant badge on my first post, I am participating in the Student Blogging challenge! Yay! The challenge for this week is to create, or update your about page, make an avatar, and to connect with other students. After I am writing this blog I am going to go comment on two blogs, and as you may know my first blog post is my about me thing. So for my avatar, i went to and here is my avatar:

Ta Da!

Okay, now that the student blogging challenge for the week is taken care of I am now going to go over a quick writing tip.

Write What You Want to Read

You heard me; write what you want to read. Don’t write something about magical princess fairies, if you like historical biologys. You won’t know how to write the genre. It is not going to go well. Write something you would read instead. Now, I know writing for the market is a thing. You find out what’s selling at the moment and write to that. In my opinion, that’s not the smartest thing to do. You might spend months of work and research on the topic that’s on the market, and when you are almost done with said book it may not be on the market anymore and months worth of writing all went to waste. But for some people writing to the market works! And if it does, good on you buddy! But for most people it doesn’t work out well. Stick with what you know and love. For me, I write fantasy, and things with magic, because that’s pretty much all I read. I read fantasy, and other worlds and creatures, so I write about fantasy, and other worlds and creatures. Make sense? Okay, good.

Well, that’s all I really have for this post. Be sure to come back sometime for my next post, and hopefully I can set up a more even schedule for my posting soon. Thanks for reading, have an awesome day my guys, girls, and nonbinary squirrels, cya!

September 17


Hello all who read this! This is just a welcome to my blog post, and the first post of this said blog. The blog will be giving writing tips, going over specific genres that aren’t commonly known, or may be known, and I will also be giving out some writing prompts because I have so many ideas but no time to write them, which sucks. Also, I will be posting once a week, the exact day is not currently known at the moment, because my schedule is a little bit everywhere.

A little about me, My name is Alex Braley, (The thing about my name, though, is that it is not my birth name, so it is not an official name, only my perferred name) I am a teen author, and am currently a high school student. I write fiction, and fantasy, and have been writing for the past three years and have only just recently gotten very interested in it. I am publishing a book in an unknown time, hopefully sometime this year, (2020), so just next month for me, and it will be called “The Earth Guardians”. I’ll be writing a post about it when it comes out available to the public!

Some non-writing fun facts about me is that I love the movie “How to Train Your Dragon”, it is literally the best movie ever to me! Look it up if you haven’t seen or heard about it, it’s great! I have a dog, she is 10 years old and her name is Chloe, I love her with all my heart, she will always be my puppy. I think the only thing left I could say, (I don’t have a very interesting life, I am very boring when it comes to that) is that I am also openly gay, so… yeah! I’m pansexual, polyamorous, and genderfluid nonbinary. (I know that’s a lot, and a lot of big words, so if you have any questions put them in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer them!)

Well, I believe that is all I have to say in my first post for my blog! So thanks for reading, feel free to ask any questions in the comments, and maybe even give me an idea on a tip or something to do for a blog! I am open to suggestions, and there is a 98% chance I will do it. The only reason I would not is if I deem it inappropriate for the blog. Which there is a slim chance that will happen. Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope you stick around to read my future blog posts, and have a great day!!