April 18

I am now a teacher

No, I’m not actually a teacher, haha. I have fooled you. What I mean is I realized that Week Three for the Student Blogging Challenge is to teach your readers something: hence the title. Which my blog already does that so I’m just going to do a normal blog post! Hope you enjoy, here’s the post’s theme:

Scene Writing Tips

Yes, you heard me right ladies, gentlemen, and nonbinary folk out there. Scene Writing! If you don’t know what this is it’s just writing. That’s pretty much what it is. So, yeah. First tip!

1.) [brackets]

If you are a real writer you know what it’s like to not know how to explain or to get stuck in a certain scene. Well, keep those creative juices going and just put whatever you can’t write, then put he gust of whatever happens in brackets! That way you can just keep on writing without disturbing the flow.

2.) The reader only sees what you tell them.

It can be SO hard to forget this! But remember that the reader only sees what you tell them!! This does not mean to give a dump of information, because that can lose the reader, but try to explain your surroundings of what your POV character is seeing. If your character is walking through an underground secret base, explain briefly what they see.


She walked around in the silvery glowing walls of the underground base. Slowly turning herself around as she followed her friends, and trying to take in all that was there. To the left of the entrance were t.v.’s with what seemed like secrecy footage.

I wonder why?’ She wondered to herself as she realized that where they were walking to, just right in front of them, was a small wooden bridge going over a neat stream that went into the walls, the water getting sucked up into the wall where it trailed up into the ceiling, down into the other wall and then out into the stream like a circle.


3.) Don’t drop characters!

It’s easy to forget the side characters are there. But whatever you do, try not to do that! It makes the reader wonder why they aren’t having a reaction to anything, or why they don’t see them in the first place. I like to imagine this character I might forget as George. Don’t forget George! It makes George sad.


And that’s my three tips for this blog post! If you have any things you want me to go over and give some tips/advice about post a comment of them! And last but not least, stay safe!! Have a great week guys, girls, and nonbinary squirrels!!

April 5

Challenge Post 2: Commenting!

Hello fellow aliens and others reading my blog! This post is about… Okay, you guessed it, Commenting!

*crowd cheers*

But before we do that, have a meme:

When Writers Talk to Other Writers I Think Might Kill Someone ...


Now, back to your regular scheduled programming.


Rules for commenting | Reagan's Blog

Go here for the picture’s backstory. I did not make this! http://www.asdpages.org/reagan4foothill/2018/10/25/rules-for-commenting/

Well, that’s it for this blog, sorry it’s so short! I will be working on the regular writer’s tips blog post as soon as possible, and then Week 3 Challenge Post! Have a good day guys, girls, and nonbinary squirrels!

Finally managed to rewatch “Moving On part 2,” decided to do ...(Have a piece of one of my fandoms. Thomas Sanders is an angel)

March 21

Character Bio Writing!

Hello human beings, elves, dwarfs, and other mystical creatures out there! Today I am going to be talking about Character Bios!! (In case you didn’t read the title) In this blog, I will be talking about a few things to ask about your character, and then a template of things you should let the reader know about your character. Because there is a difference between what you know about the character, and what the reader should know.


Some Questions to Ask

  1. What textures can they not stand? (For example, I cannot stand sand.)
  2. Would they rather 3am or 3pm?
  3. Do they leave their dirty clothes on the floor, or on a chair?
  4. If they could eat only one food for 20 days what would it be?
  5. Favorite color?
  6. Favorite Mythical Creature?
  7. Do they believe in an afterlife?
  8. Would they re-read a book?
  9. Hot or cold showers? Long or short?
  10. If they are alone and hear a noise, what would they do?


So, yeah! Here are ten questions you should ask. If you want more go here.

What your Character Bio should have


Name: (first and last)

Description– (do not fill this out. Just what’s below)


Birthday: (giving your character a birthday makes them seam more lifelike)


Gender: (if any)

Hair color/style:

Eye color:

Skin color:

extra noticeable things: (like a giant scar, or only one eye; things everyone notices)

kinda noticeable things: (like things only a few people would notice)

Not really noticeable things: (things that only someone close to them would notice)



Body type:

Facial hair: (if any)

Piercings: (if any)

Tattoos: (if any)

Scars: (if any)



Just describe it, buddy.


You got any other info to add about your character? Put it here!



So yeah! That’s it for this post! If you want more help and more details, or tips on how to write it, or how to describe a character go here, here, here, or here! (Pinterest helps a lot)

Have a great day guys, girls, and nonbinary squirrels!!

March 15

The Student Blogging Challenge Week One!

Hello guys, gals, and nonbinary squirrels! Nice to see you again. Even though, I can’t technically see you. I hope you are enjoying your Spring break, especially those in the US because we get an extra week of Spring break due to the Corona Virus. (I don’t since I’m virtual school, I don’t get any break, but whatever) Speaking of which, I hope everyone stays safe, and not get sick because of this Virus. But, in order to try to help cheer you up… Here’s a meme.

Now, back to your regular scheduled programming.


Week One!

The challenge for this week was to create an avatar; connect with others, and to update or write your about page.

Well, I already have an avatar from the last student blogging challenge, so I am going to be updating my About Page if you want to go check that out, and I am going to be commenting on two other blogs.




So go check them out!


Anyways, that is all, for now, guys, girls, and nonbinary squirrels, my next part should be coming soon! Have an awesome day, and stay safe!!

February 24

Hello I’m not dead

Okay. So I get that last Student Blogging Challenge I did not do right at all; and that I just disappeared off the face of the earth with my blogging. Terribly sorry about that guys but my life got super hectic and crazy so I had to drop a ton of things so I could get back into the groove of everything. So, I’m just now getting back into a couple things, and this is one of them. I promise that this time I will do the Student Blogging Challenge right and I will post weekly unless something really messed up happens again. Which I hope doesn’t happen.

But sorry again for the wait I will be continuing this weekly, and if you would like to read a story I am blogging go here.

I will be continuing giving tips about Writing stuff as I do the Student Blogging, it will either be in the same post as the Challenge or a separate one. If you have any requests for what I talk about let me know and I’ll try to get to your request as soon as possible.

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