June 29

Death is only the end if you think the story is about you.

Death is only the end if you think the story is about you.

Well, unless your the main character of a story and the point of view changes after you die. Then, well, the story that was about you is technically over. (Comment some ways you can think of how a story can continue about someone even after they die. I wanna see what you guys can come up with.)

So, yes. This post is about death. Well, when to kill a character off anyway.


When to kill someone.

In your story, I might add. This is not a “When to kill that annoying roommate/classmate/sibling” thing. Just wanted to make that clear. Anyway, when to kill off a character.

When it is vital to the plot:

If your character needs to die in order for the plot to move forward that is valid. For instance, if the side character, let’s call him James, has to self sacrifice himself to allow his friends to escape the clutches of the evil people holding them captive for their powers, then that is vital to the plot.


Do not kill off a character simply because you do not want to write them into the story anymore.

Do not kill off a character simply because you can.

Do not kill off a character because of the drama it might bring.

ONLY kill off a character if you NEED to. 

Do not kill off a character because you can. If that character is not vital to the plot, why on earth did you put them in the story. It’s a mess to try to keep track of characters that are just… there. Delete them from the existence of your novel or story, if that is the case. Maybe you can put them into another story, where they are needed. But do not be afraid to discard them if they are not needed.


So as you can see, there are plenty of reasons NOT to kill off a character. But I did give the only reason I can think of to kill off a character. If you can think of anymore reasons to kill off a character, please comment! Sorry this post was so short, hopefully I will have a longer one next time. Have a great day guys, girls, and nonbinary squirrels!!

May 28

The End is Near

Well hello, there readers! Welcome to another post of Writing Stuff for Authors. I am back and with another topic. But first, an announcement.

I have a few story blogs out! You might have seen my most recent post, and a new page, talking about those stories. Well, if you haven’t already, go check it out! Thanks in advance.

Now. Onto the Tips!

Ending a Story

I know what you are thinking. Oh, no, I’m having so much trouble ending my story how do I do it? Well, I have just the thing for you.

Actually… No, I don’t have that much. But what I do have, I will share it with you all. For me, starting a story was easy, it was ending it that was so difficult.

1. With a Quote

This is something I like to do when ending a story or book. For example:

Fallin treacked through the mountains, hooking her skythe, a curved Egyption sword, into the rock and rocketing herself up towards her goal. Once she had made it up to her little ledge she noticed that there was someone already up there. 

“I was wondering when you were going to get up here,” The man smirked. He wore his usual clothes, some worn down armor and had his black hair in a man bun. 

“Whatever Josh,” Fallin rolled her eyes playfully, “What are you doing here?” 

“The same reason you are,” He walked past Fallin and sat on the ledge of the cliff. 

“Because I didn’t want to deal with the others?” Fallin questioned, sitting down besides him. 

He let out a laugh and shook his head, “Sort of. Also, I knew that you went up here and had a question.” 

Fallin nodded and looked out at the mountian side, a sight that she had grew up seeing and loved, “What is it?” 

“How did you cope losing your sister like that?” 

Fallin had been taken aback to the question, and frowned thinking for a moment before answering. 

“I guess,” Fallin shrugged, “You just have to Rise.” 

2. With a what-happened-after scene

So, basically what happened after the big climax, and after the hero won or lost that battle. Maybe if there was a giant hero vs. villain battle and a city was in ruins, maybe you show in the last chapter the hero helping rebuild; or, maybe, them watching the city from afar. It really just depends on your story/book.

Ending Tips:

Make sure your ending makes sense!

Make sure you leave enough room for your readers to imagine.

End it well. Don’t rush it!

Show how your character changed.

If it’s a series book or has another one afterward, acknowledge unanswered questions, but DO NOT ANSWER THEM. Let them want to figure out the answer to that. That will make the reader more want to read the next book.


So, yeah! Those are my tips for you. Sorry, I don’t have tons, but that is all I have for now. If this was good, let me know in the comments and if you want me to do another one about how to end your stories or books! Let me know what you think about it in the comments, don’t forget to check out my story blogs, and have a great day guys, girls, and nonbinary squirrels!!

May 19


Hello wonderful readers! This is just me, Alex, telling you, the person reading this, that I have some stories on Edublogs that you can check out! You might have already known about one called “The Epiculo Forest”, but now, I have even more!

I have one called “Alixxar and Qi” a story about two strangers who appeared in Othon, the Realm where The Epiculo Forest takes place, and come from a completely different Realm named Elises; where they are their Realm’s Guardian. But there is a large mysterious creature roaming the Realm that got loose. But the question is: Who set it loose? Will Alixxar and Qi be able to survive long enough in their dangerous Realm while still protecting it to find out who the menace is? Travel with our two strange friends to find out.

One Gold Piece is a story about a gold piece, a coin, with a tiny dragon dedicated to protecting it. It soon falls into the hands of a group of traveling adventurers, and the tiny dragon is now their mascot. Follow them on their many adventures and see where they go, and what they end up accomplishing.

Then, the base camp of all the stories, The Inn! The Inn is an amazing place, with visitors from strange lands, great stories to tell, and mysterious pets and weapons. It’s always a mystery there and filled with wonder and magic. This is also where every poster from all stories will be.

Check them out if you seem interested, and a mighty thanks to the InnKeeper! May the Two Moons Shine Upon You!

May 19

Late is better than never: Worldbuilding!

Hello! Yes, I understand this is very late; I’m terribly sorry about that. I had a family member pass away, so my life got a bit hectic and busy. I will be catching up with the Student Blogging Challenge, even though I cannot submit week 5-6 posts. After the challenge posts are over with, I will, hopefully, be back to doing weekly updates of Writing Tips!

^You have been gifted by the Prompt fairy.^

Now, onto the blog-


Yes, ladies, gentlemen, and nonbinary folk out there, you heard correctly. Worldbuilding. The thing some authors and writers dread, and others enjoy, and others look forward to! I, myself, love worldbuilding. In fact, I have tons of Worlds and Realms that I have somehow connected to each and every world I’ve made! Whether that mean different galaxies, and they space travel, or don’t know the others exist; or that means different Realms of existence that are magically found through portals; or something else. Worldbuilding is one of my favorite parts of writing.

The reason I am talking about this is because of the Student Bloggins Challenge, because Week 5’s challenge was about Earth Day. So, in celebrate of that, I’m talking about how to make your own Earth! Or, different kind of Earth.

Now, Worldbuilding is very broad. And complicated. So, in this post I will be talking about Naming your Realm or World.

In order to name your World you need to know some background, which you have to create. Thankfully, with the help of our imaginations, and inspiration around us, you CAN do that! You should think about a few things.

1.) Who named it?

Who settled there first? Was it desolate and deserted until someone found it and populated? Was there evolution? Magic creation? Gods from another Realm or dimension traveling there to make their own population of people to control? YOu get to figure this out.

2.) What language did those people use?

Was it an already known language? Like, maybe, Latin? Or Greek? Or maybe it’s your own version of Elvish, or maybe a language you created yourself! (No, you don’t need to create an entire language just to name your world and places within your world. Trust me, I tried doing that as an experiment and it did not go that well.) For me, I like to experiment and use Latin as a base language. (Knowing Latin also helps, because online translators, honestly, stink. I’m learning Latin currently, and I don’t even know that much of it yet, but I can definitely tell you Google Translate does not work well. This doesn’t mean you can’t use it, but I tend to use it and get the Latin translation of a word, and then use the same word and translate it to Greek and then smash my two translations together into one word. The results might surprise you.

3.) What does the name mean?

Names mean everything. Names are power, and are usually a description of that thing it’s naming. (Earth, for example, translates to Terra. Terra in Latin means rock. Our planet name literally means rock.) So, is your World mostly water? Name it something water-like (maybe Aquanam, some sort of translation of The Land of Water, or maybe something else.) Or maybe something happened in order to find that world. Maybe a Realm came into contact with your World and they caused a war with each other. Maybe that invading Realm called your World something insulting in it’s language (Garabe World, Waste planet, etc.) and they didn’t have a better name for it so it stuck. It’s really up to you and your imagination.

4.) Who or What lives there?

This is another way to name your World. You can name it after the largest population that lives, or lived there. I made a World, years ago, that was called “Quackerduck World”. (I made it when I was, like, 4-5 years old, and it had stuck to me.) It was a world filled with creatures called “Quackerducks”, even though, none of them were ducks, that’s what they were in that World. Maybe you have several different Realms and each lives a dominate species. (The Elven Realm, or the Human Realm, etc.)


And, that my readers, is how I name my Realms or Worlds! There are many great resources out there on the internet that can also help you with this, and there are some really great things out there to read or watch! Take it while you got it.

With that, it is time to say my farewell, and until next time! Have a great day, guys, girls, and nonbinary squirrels, bye!